Walking Distances Again

Starting to walk distances was an enormous challenge. The discovery that I had an inconvenient number of food allergies made my new Wahls Protocol diet a challenge too but that’s another story that I might bore you with later. My first and major desire was to be able to walk my dogs in a local field. I reached this goal by means of completing a series of stages.

I started by shuffling around the garden with my crutches. Then, after about 2 weeks I felt the need to move on. We have a short yet steep driveway and at the top is a small block of little bungalows. I estimate that a person will have to walk 100 yards to get around them. It was a nice, workable starting distance. In Britain the road signs are low down and great for leaning and sitting if I needed to rest. At first it was a tremendous effort just to walk to the first corner. I leaned on a road sign to rest. I made it to the second corner where there is nothing to lean or sit on. Standing rests were never welcomed in those early days but they had to be endured. The third corner was a road sign rest and then I was on the home straight.

I can’t express the feelings of emotion when completing it. It was an exhausting task emotionally and physically. I had done it! My body ached and my lungs strained to suck in enough oxygen but it was over. Now, to do the same walk every day? It had to be done. After about a month of this I identified another circuit walk that was about a quarter of a mile. Once I’d overcome that distance I then moved on to another and then another and changed from crutches to walking sticks. Progress is slow on the Wahls Protocol so be prepared to take your time. For the past year I’ve been walking the dogs in local farmers fields so that goal was reached. That was satisfying.

I was pissed off with the snail pace at first but knew this was a Bell Curve. Things happen much faster and easier two years on and I have a mammoth walk planned for this Summer. My muddy, hilly route will be interesting and challenging taking in old pubs, a country manor, fields of sheep, a couple of roads and wheat fields. I used to take my dogs on the same walk and I plan to again.


Cold Showers

Cold showers? I have one every morning these days.

There are reasons and here’s just one.

“3. Improves Immunity and Circulation

Cold water can improve circulation by encouraging blood to surround our organs, which can then help combat some problems of the skin and heart. As cold water hits the body, it’s ability to get blood circulating leads the arteries to more efficiently pump blood, therefore boosting our overall heart health, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a natural health expert. It can also lower blood pressure, clear blocked arteries, and improve our immune system.”

Read more about it here.


I like the way the cold showers strengthen my resolve too. When I get in a warm shower I never feel like doing it but I always do in the end. I acclimatise myself by cooling the shower down by 50% and then I give myself a thorough dowsing in the coldest water available. After 30 seconds I warm my shower up again. Then it’s done, over and I always feel accomplished.

Try it. I love it!



What do I share with you today? I’m exhausted as I walked to the pharmacy to collect my Sativex yesterday. A mile of walking is part of my daily exercise together with some stretching , massage and minor weight training. Today I will omit the walking but do the rest. I allow myself days like this despite using the Wahls Protocol. OK, my period started today and I always feel tired on those days.


My nerves feel like a bag of moving electrified marbles. My shins and calves are going through some sort of aftermath of being beaten with sticks… hard and prolonged. I could go on but will spare you that. I just need complete piece and quiet today.


My nervous system is like an electrical circuit that has been completely overloaded. I always have to be aware of how easy it is to blow a fuse and thus put a delay on my recovery. I have to keep away from oblivious, noisy people as they overload my nervous system. Maybe one day they can figure out how to be quiet, peaceful, caring and humble? Until then I’ve got years of recovery to get through.


The Wahls Protocol treatment came along just in time. My health was so bad and I didn’t see myself living long past 60 years old. As you can imagine, I was at the end of my tether and was lucky to be able to walk 20 feet. Now, after two years on the Wahls Protocol, I can walk 2 miles. Not bad, eh? I guess the treatment works for me and it means I’m not a burden on the National Health Service. Ultimately, I want to go on living with my husband into my 80s. It’s a hell of an incentive. Every day is all about diet, meditation and exercise. I suppose it’s a bit like living on a spiritual retreat that I never want to leave.

Introvert Loner

Yeah, that’s me. My husband and I are very private and really don’t go out that much. Why do I keep myself to myself? I find gossip and mundane conversations pointless. I have terrible trouble faking interest and insincerity causes me offence. I also dislike giving and receiving praise. I just don’t need it. I just don’t like the show. I prefer to get on with things without fanfare.

All this being said, I’m planning to take a Thai Chi class locally. Maybe a Yoga class too, if I can find one taking place in the village. Strangely, people that annoy me always make a bee line in my direction. I’m allergic to cats but they always rub up against my legs or jump on my knee. I’m instantly informed that this is not the cats normal behaviour. I take it that this must be some insincere way of apologising?